3 reviews for Chop Chop ! Chicken Chunks Spring Water & Sea SaltWrite a review
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I prefer the other flavours rather than plain chicken, but this one is good if you are watching your diet, full of protein. Its normally about $2 for a small can, about the same as tuna, so pretty good value for money.
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I prefer the other flavours rather than plain chicken, but this one is good if you are watching your diet, full of protein. Its normally about $2 for a small can, about the same as tuna, so pretty good value for money.
Susan –
I prefer the other flavours rather than plain chicken, but this one is good if you are watching your diet, full of protein. Its normally about $2 for a small can, about the same as tuna, so pretty good value for money.
Susan –
I prefer the other flavours rather than plain chicken, but this one is good if you are watching your diet, full of protein. Its normally about $2 for a small can, about the same as tuna, so pretty good value for money.
Jane Bebbington –
Too expensive, odd texture