Deep Spring Red Berry 440ml can

(1322 customer reviews)
Product is rated as #1 in category Sparkling Water
5.0 out of 5
Deep Spring Red Berry 440ml can
7.3/10 (Expert Score)
Product is rated as #1 in category Sparkling Water

Deep Spring is famous for its refreshing taste, now with three great flavours to choose from – Orange & Mango, Lemon, Lime & Orange and NEW Red Berry!

Made with sparkling New Zealand spring water infused with a delicious blend of fruit juices. And best of all – no artificial flavours or colours!

1322 reviews for Deep Spring Red Berry 440ml can Write a review

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  1. Black Box Product Reviewer

    It was like drinking fizzy raro … It was horrid

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  2. Black Box Product Reviewer

    It was incredible i haven’t found it in my local shop yet tho

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  3. Black Box Product Reviewer

    It was great that it was less sugar but it still tasted too sweet for me and didn’t enjoy it

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  4. Black Box Product Reviewer

    It was great thanks

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  5. Black Box Product Reviewer

    It was great – very thirst quenching

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  6. Black Box Product Reviewer

    It was good, not great, but refreshing

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  7. Black Box Product Reviewer

    It was fine and all. Not a huge fan of the flavor but I don’t typically drink these types. Happy to recommend to those that do though.

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  8. Black Box Product Reviewer

    It was far too sweet. I did not like it at all.

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  9. Black Box Product Reviewer

    It was far too sweet full of sugar i would maybe buy it for a rate treat in summer. The kids loved it though and are begging me to buy it again.

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  10. Black Box Product Reviewer

    It was far too sweet and horrible! Sugar is the second added ingredient and then juice concentrates (more sugar)!

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  11. Black Box Product Reviewer

    It was far too sweet

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  12. Black Box Product Reviewer

    It was delicious. I never would have tried it if I hadn’t received it in the BB. Will buy again!

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    Deep Spring Red Berry 440ml can
    Deep Spring Red Berry 440ml can

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