Farmland Glazed Ham


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0.0 out of 5
Farmland Glazed Ham
8.2/10 (Expert Score)
Product is rated as #32 in category Uncategorised

This product was delivered to 2500 members to test and review as part of the Black Box Chilled Entertainer NZ 2019 product trial

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  1. Black Box Product Reviewer

    I wish I could find this product at my supermarket! We absolutely loved it. The taste and consistency was so superior to other packaged ham products. Nothing comes close and I’ve been disappointed to not find it at my local Countdown.i will keep looking though as this would be my go-to ham. I buy ham every week for sandwiches and always feel a bit let down with the quality. But Farmlands was amazing.

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  2. Black Box Product Reviewer

    I wasn’t as keen on this product

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  3. Black Box Product Reviewer

    I was surprised at how great the ham tasted. I don’t normally enjoy pre-packed meat because I feel their meat is different to deli ones. However, this one is as fresh and as nice as fresh deli meat so I enjoyed it a lot. I am concern about the plastic packaging, I wish we have other packaging options.

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  4. Black Box Product Reviewer

    I was really surprised by the quality of the product. Would definitely buy it again.

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  5. Black Box Product Reviewer

    I usually only buy bacon as a prepackaged meat product, but my partner really enjoyed the ham, bringing it to work with cheese and crackers- will have to buy again. Loved the fact it’s in vaguely eco friendly packaging (keep going in the right direction!) and the fact it was real meat

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  6. Black Box Product Reviewer

    I usually buy it from my German butcher in Albany as I can bring my own container and have no plastic waste. I also think there is too much sugar in the meat. I like the idea of recyled plastic but no/less plastic would be even better.

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  7. Black Box Product Reviewer

    I usually buy from the deli counter

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  8. Black Box Product Reviewer

    I usually buy countdown shaved ham, but this was nice and I like the conscious effort with reducing waste for the packaging.

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  9. Black Box Product Reviewer

    I try to look at options without Nitrite in it and only buy as occassional lunch sandwich option

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  10. Black Box Product Reviewer

    I thought this was going to be great in the kids lunches, but they just dont seem keen on it. Will try again tomorrow to see if i get a better response as the pack size and quality look great and something i would buy on a weekly basis

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  11. Black Box Product Reviewer

    I thought that the meat looked a little pale in colour.

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  12. Black Box Product Reviewer

    I think you should advertise more that it’s cuts from a whole piece of meat. That influences me when looking at prepackaged meats

    Helpful(0) Unhelpful(0)You have already voted this

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    Farmland Glazed Ham
    Farmland Glazed Ham


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