Fresh Produce Carrots Prepacked


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Fresh Produce Carrots Prepacked

Approx. 5-7 carrots per 1kg – but actual quantity may vary.
Carrots can be eaten raw as snacks, or cooked and used in savoury and some sweet dishes, such as carrot cake or muffins. They can be boiled, steamed, baked, roasted, barbecued, stir fried or microwaved. Carrots should be cooked until they are tender but still slightly crunchy. Or cook carrots until they are tender and mash or puree them.

Carrots are the richest vegetable source of vitamin a, from beta-carotene. One medium carrot supplies more than the recommended dietary intake for a day. Carrots are also a source of dietary fibre, vitamin c and niacin.

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Fresh Produce Carrots Prepacked
Fresh Produce Carrots Prepacked


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