Harraways Harr-os – Mexican AND Indian Flavour

(2031 customer reviews)
Product is rated as #140 in category Chocolate, Sweets & Snacks
1.7 out of 5
Harraways  Harr-os – Mexican AND Indian Flavour
4.9/10 (Expert Score)
Product is rated as #19 in category Chocolate, Sweets & Snacks

This product was delivered to 5000 members to test and review as part of the Black Box Summer Beach NZ 2019 product trial

2031 reviews for Harraways Harr-os – Mexican AND Indian Flavour Write a review

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  1. Black Box Product Reviewer

    They were yum in a salad as croutons

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  2. Black Box Product Reviewer

    They were yuk!

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  3. Black Box Product Reviewer

    They were very tasty, but really fiddley to eat, leaving “dust” on ones fingers, and most of all they were irritatingly small. Make them bigger and I would buy them.

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  4. Black Box Product Reviewer

    They were very tasty – quite enjoyable

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  5. Black Box Product Reviewer

    They were to hot for me,

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  6. Black Box Product Reviewer

    They were tasty, but not the sort of thing I would buy. I don’t often buy snacks, but when I do, it’s usually just crisps/chips (ie chips & dip or burger rings etc)

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  7. Black Box Product Reviewer

    They were tasty! Mexican were quite spicy but Indian were delish. The ONLY downside is the sugar/fat content.

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  8. Black Box Product Reviewer

    They were tasty but I’m not really big on beer snacks in general so I’m unlikely to buy them in future

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  9. Black Box Product Reviewer

    They were tasty but a weird texture.

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  10. Black Box Product Reviewer

    They were tasty and i lime thw idea of them but our kids didnt like the flavor

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  11. Black Box Product Reviewer

    They were so yummy will certainly buy them

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  12. Black Box Product Reviewer

    They were so good and hard to stop eating once I started. Really loved them

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    Harraways  Harr-os – Mexican AND Indian Flavour
    Harraways Harr-os – Mexican AND Indian Flavour

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