2 reviews for Higher Living Tea Bags Ginger KickWrite a review
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Brian Anderson–
The absolute best ginger tea I have ever tried x10 nothing else compares in taste ,power,quality and medicinal properties. I suggested to a work mate who was finding it difficult to get off to sleep, he bought a box somewhat reluctantly and in the morning thanked me as he was able to go straight off to sleep
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Kathie Ritchie–
Love the ingredients list ginger 79% lemon peel 21% nothing else 😊 can really taste the ginger.
Brian Anderson –
The absolute best ginger tea I have ever tried x10 nothing else compares in taste ,power,quality and medicinal properties. I suggested to a work mate who was finding it difficult to get off to sleep, he bought a box somewhat reluctantly and in the morning thanked me as he was able to go straight off to sleep
Kathie Ritchie –
Love the ingredients list ginger 79% lemon peel 21% nothing else 😊 can really taste the ginger.