3 reviews for Kapiti Sorbet Summer BerriesWrite a review
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Literally if you were to blend up some frozen berries, add a bit of soy milk, you would get something the exact same, nicer even. This is just obliterated fruit juice with a bunch of stabilizers and all sorts of rubbish. Don’t be fooled by the pretty packaging.
+ PROS: Absolutely nothing
- CONS:Kapiti is owned by Tip Top so if you're silly like me thinking it's a more luxurious brand it's really not. Highly recommend just blending up your own at home
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sorbert summer berries original no longer in tub in my store ubhappy about that only icecream i eat sad alright
+ PROS: bring it back too stores
- CONS:it would be great
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sorbert summer berries original no longer in tub in my store ubhappy about that only icecream i eat
Jay –
Literally if you were to blend up some frozen berries, add a bit of soy milk, you would get something the exact same, nicer even. This is just obliterated fruit juice with a bunch of stabilizers and all sorts of rubbish. Don’t be fooled by the pretty packaging.
sorbert summer berries original no longer in tub in my store ubhappy about that only icecream i eat sad alright
sorbert summer berries original no longer in tub in my store ubhappy about that only icecream i eat