2 reviews for Oak Baked Beans In Tomato SceWrite a review
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Stephen TAN–
The Oak Baked Bean, the worst baked bean product in NZ, in fact the worst baked bean item of a life-time. It is overfilled with vinegar the vinegar fume is stifling. Overall the product is too thick and stuck in the can, and one can’t pour it out of the can. How could they lack so much common sense? Let alone any business acumen!
Stephen T, NZ Citizen.
Stephen TAN –
The Oak Baked Bean, the worst baked bean product in NZ, in fact the worst baked bean item of a life-time. It is overfilled with vinegar the vinegar fume is stifling. Overall the product is too thick and stuck in the can, and one can’t pour it out of the can. How could they lack so much common sense? Let alone any business acumen!
Stephen T, NZ Citizen.
Ci – Bay of Plenty –
- Curly Hair - Normal Skin
Watery sauce compared to some other brands. Wouldn’t recommend.