Powerade Active Water Mango


(81 customer reviews)
Product is rated as #130 in category Drinks
4.2 out of 5
Powerade Active Mango

POWERADE Active Water is scientifically formulated, has no sugar, 4 electrolytes, natural flavours and B vitamins.

It comes in three delicious flavours – Peach & Apple, Mango and Lemon, and it’s a great choice for anyone living an active lifestyle.

Available in a 750mL bottle throughout NZ at all leading retailers. 

Check out all you need to know about the new POWERADE Active Water range here.


81 reviews for Powerade Active Water Mango Write a review

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  1. Angela

    No added sugar and so full of flavor

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  2. Sue Price

    Refreshing, no sugar, electrolytes and low calories. Good for when you need a pick you up after sport or exercise.

    + PROS: Good bottle size. Nice range of flavours and really nice taste
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  3. tristyb91

    I quite liked the mango flavor, very easy to drink

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  4. Vineicea Joss

    Pleasant to drink – would purchase again but not regularly – mostly because I don’t buy energy drinks all the time. Like the low sugar & pleasant taste.

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  5. Jody

    Good. I really liked the taste, and it was very refreshing. Nice to see it doesn’t contain folic acid as my body can’t tolerate it. And no sugar added, nice natural colour and flavour. Those awful artificial red and blue colours do not make an appearance here.

    I planned to take it to the A&P show on a warm spring day, unfortunately my toddler tipped my bag upside down spilling everything out before we left and I didn’t notice it was left behind until we had already gained entry, and it was too late.

    So I can advise that it is the best thing to drink after 5 hours of walking around an A&P show with just the few sips of water my toddler would allow me from his sippy cup.

    + PROS: No folic acid (synthetic B9 that 50% of people can’t use effectively). Nice natural taste. No artificial colouring. Electrolytes, plenty of potassium unlike most electrolyte drinks.
    - CONS: No folate (natural B9). Incomplete B vitamin profile (B3 & B6 only). Artificial sweetener (aspartame a known carcinogen) I could taste.
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  6. Graeme White

    Thirst quenching. Great for after some work in the sun

    + PROS: Good tasting, no sugar, no yuk stevia, no colour
    - CONS: None
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  7. Fiona

    Great flavour and health benefits

    + PROS: Tastes great
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  8. Dave Roberts Waikato

    always look to buy these to drink after sport. They are really refreshing without the over sweetness of other sports drinks.

    + PROS: low calories, no sugar, full of electrolytes and vitamins. Tasty and easy to drink after playing sport.
    - CONS: hard to find these in supermarkets and shops.
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  9. jason holding

    I did like the mango flavour a lot

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    Powerade Active Water Mango
    Powerade Active Water Mango


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