Silk Baby Wipes Ultimate


(1328 customer reviews)
Product is rated as #48 in category Baby Care
4.4 out of 5
Silk Ultimate Baby Wipes 32 Pack
8.1/10 (Expert Score)
Product is rated as #5 in category Baby Care

Silk Ultimate Baby Wipes are not only 99.9% Water + 100% Biodegradable, they are Ultra Thick …. so Super Strong.

Specification: Silk Baby Wipes Ultimate

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1328 reviews for Silk Baby Wipes Ultimate Write a review

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  1. Black Box Product Reviewer

    Big difference between biodegradable and compostable.

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  2. Black Box Product Reviewer

    Best wipes I’ve used over the last 7 years so only buy these now

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  3. Black Box Product Reviewer

    Best “99% Water” wipes product that has the right amount of thickness. It has the right amount of water. The Huggies 99% water wipes had way too much water.

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  4. Black Box Product Reviewer

    been using silk wipes for a while – great quality

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  5. Black Box Product Reviewer

    Been using forever

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  6. Black Box Product Reviewer

    Because they are more expensive we only use them when kids have a bit of nappy rash

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  7. Black Box Product Reviewer

    Beautiful product but too expensive for me to buy them unfortunately. I have found the Little Genie brand is best bang for buck. While not environmentally friendly like the Silk brand they are affordable. I feel bad about this but its a fact.

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  8. Black Box Product Reviewer

    baby wipes should only have the basic of ingredients. not anythong that you cant pronounce

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  9. Black Box Product Reviewer

    Baby wipes are SO handy for literally so many things but landfill is such an issue these days and so many people are trying to be more conscious with what they buy because of waste so the fact that some of these questions talked about possible biodegradable options in the future is awesome

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  10. Black Box Product Reviewer

    As well as being a parent, I teach in ece and change a lot of nappies. I like how these wipes do not clump, but come out individually.

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  11. Black Box Product Reviewer

    As long as they are not overly expensive. Also it would be good if they were available in bigger packets.

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  12. Black Box Product Reviewer

    As a person with ulcerative colitis I find personal wipes invaluable however I think labeling needs to be even clearer to make sure consumers dont flush these. Our waste water systems are not designed for them and its expensive to learn the hard way!

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    Silk Baby Wipes Ultimate


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