Arnott’s Tim Tam Slams

(1495 customer reviews)
Product is rated as #80 in category Biscuits & Crackers
4.7 out of 5
Arnott’s Tim Tam Slams
8.4/10 (Expert Score)
Product is rated as #13 in category Biscuits & Crackers

Tim Tam Slams are slamsational!  Designed with a gooey centre to enhance the Tim Tam Slam.

Tim Tam Slams comes in three exciting flavours including:  Dark Choc & Sticky Raspberry, Choc Malt & Sticky Caramel or Choc Hazelnut & Gooey Caramel.

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1495 reviews for Arnott’s Tim Tam Slams Write a review

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  1. Black Box Product Reviewer

    I like chilling them in the fridge but it made the caramel hard

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  2. Black Box Product Reviewer

    I like all tim tams, not sure these are better or worse. I prefer toffee pops for the ‘slam’ technique

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  3. Black Box Product Reviewer

    I honestly did not like the Caramel Hazelnut biscuit we recieved in the Black Box but we had purchased the Dark Chocolate and Raspberry ones which we just loved.

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  4. Black Box Product Reviewer

    I heard about the tim tam slam years ago… but not in this format. Delicious gooey caramel, perfect treat!

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  5. Black Box Product Reviewer

    I have only had Tim Tam original – loved the caramel addition, would definitely buy again. Did not try the ‘Slam’ part of it – not fond of wet biscuit, but they are awsome dry anyway!

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  6. Black Box Product Reviewer

    I have been doing the tim tam slam for years (though have never called it that) It was great fun taking our black box tim tams to Ireland and teaching the Irish family how to do it! The only mistake was not taking a second packet. I would like to try Chocolate malt and sticky caramel. Timtams are a family staple and the new flavours are popular in our house, however I think the plain TimTams are better for “slamming” than the flavoured ones.

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  7. Black Box Product Reviewer

    I have always loved Tim Tams and do these were a great addition

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  8. Black Box Product Reviewer

    I have a hairdressing clients good client get hazel nut Tim tams

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  9. Black Box Product Reviewer

    I hate Tim Tams but my husband loves them and loves the slam

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  10. Black Box Product Reviewer

    I had not tried this before and was surprised how goodnit tasted with the coffee. I just dont like the biscuit going soggy. But also enjoyed the biscuit as it is too. Not too strong hazelnut flavor which was good.

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  11. Black Box Product Reviewer

    I had no issue with these just we prefer different flavours

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  12. Black Box Product Reviewer

    I found them too sweet and too many things going on – I’m going to stick with my usual caramel tim tams

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    Arnott’s Tim Tam Slams
    Arnott’s Tim Tam Slams

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