1 review for Veesey Cheese Grated Shredded Pizza BlendWrite a review
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A very poor product, my wife accidentally purchased it but we gave it a go. It didn’t melt but turned into hard little straws like a crunchy mat on top of the pizza. Quite frankly I’m only writing this review because its so bad I needed to vent after making something else for dinner and toying with the idea on which authority would best deal with the misrepresentation this was an alternative to pizza cheese.
Stuart –
A very poor product, my wife accidentally purchased it but we gave it a go. It didn’t melt but turned into hard little straws like a crunchy mat on top of the pizza. Quite frankly I’m only writing this review because its so bad I needed to vent after making something else for dinner and toying with the idea on which authority would best deal with the misrepresentation this was an alternative to pizza cheese.