2 reviews for Verkerks Rookworst Dutch Smoked RookworstWrite a review
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Emmanuel Van Rijswijk–
Not even remotely like the Dutch rookworst. Barely recognisable as being made of meat. It looks more like something from a lab. and the skin is far too tough. You have a lot to learn.
+ PROS: There aren't any.
- CONS:As mentioned above.
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AJ Wright–
Over the years this item has lost its flavor
+ PROS: Traditional dutch fare great texture and size
- CONS:Lost its smoked flavor
Also overly full of fat
Emmanuel Van Rijswijk –
Not even remotely like the Dutch rookworst. Barely recognisable as being made of meat. It looks more like something from a lab. and the skin is far too tough. You have a lot to learn.
AJ Wright –
Over the years this item has lost its flavor