Home » Recipes » Egg-Free Keto Cookie Dough Fudge Egg-Free Keto Cookie Dough Fudge 493 0 Recipes, Desserts September 14, 2020 SaveSavedRemoved 0 Indulge in this guilt-free dessert featuring Well Naturally’s No Added Sugar Milk Chocolate! Prep Time15 minReady in5-6 hours YieldServes 5 CuisineAmericanCourseDessert Ingredients70g vanilla pea protein powder or almond meal50g smooth peanut butter80-100ml milk of choice, add as necessary to bind1 x 90g block Well Naturally No Added Sugar Milk Chocolate, cut into chunks1tsp granulated natural sweetener1⁄2 tsp vanilla essence1⁄4 tsp salt Method1To a large bowl, add all ingredients and stir to combine, adding milk as needed to bind into a dough.2Mould the mixture with your hands till it forms a cookie dough consistency.3Press into a lined loaf tin and place in the freezer to set for at least 5-6 hours.4Once firm, cut into 5 pieces.5Serve immediately, or keep refrigerated for up to 7 days. This recipe is courtesy of Well Naturally. Follow them on Instagram @wellnaturallyau and Facebook for more! SaveSavedRemoved 0 PreviousEasy Lemon Butter Mushrooms NextGiant Double Chocolate Nutella Stuffed Cookies Tags: Dessert recipeKeto Cookie Dough FudgeMilk Chocolate BarWell NaturallyWell Naturally No Added Sugar Milk Chocolate Bar