Home » Recipes » Garlic Butter and Cheese Pasta Garlic Butter and Cheese Pasta 270 0 Recipes, Main Course September 7, 2020 SaveSavedRemoved 0 Change up that mid week spag Bolognese with this super simple pasta recipe that everyone in the house will love!This recipe is courtesy of Dairyworks New Zealand. Prep Time5 minCook Time10 minTotal Time15 minYieldServes 2CuisineItalianCourseMain Course Ingredients40g Dairyworks Garlic & Sea Salt Finishing Butter300g pasta½ cup Dairyworks grated Parmesan CheeseJuice of ½ lemonSalt & pepper to season Cooking Method 1Boil pasta in a large pot of salted water until tender to the bite. 2Add the butter, parmesan and lemon juice to the hot drained pasta. 3Stir through and season with salt before serving nice and hot.4Enjoy! Tip: For some extra texture and colour add some steamed greens or edamame beans. SaveSavedRemoved 0 PreviousHoney Soy Chicken Stir Fry NextChipotle Chicken Breast Tags: 5-Ingredient RecipeDairyworksDairyworks Garlic & Sea Salt Finishing ButterEasy pasta recipeFinishing ButterGarlic Butter & Cheese PastaParmesan Cheese