Although there is evidence that some Soldiers were sent tins of homemade (rolled oats based) biscuits during World War I – unfortunately for our dear ANZAC’s, (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps) it is a myth that Anzac biscuits were sent to and eaten by troops at Gallipoli.
It was predominantly the ‘Rolled Oat Biscuits’ sold back home at fundraiser’s and fetes to raise money for the war effort, that, through their connection and association to the soldiers led to having ANZAC applied to it. The first early recipes entitled “Anzac Biscuits” and “Anzac Crispies” were nothing like what we eat today. It wasn’t until 1924 that the first recipe containing desiccated coconut is recorded. Talk about a game-changer!
How often do you make Anzac biscuits? What are your favourite recipe tips? – Perhaps you like to add chocolate chips to yours. We’d love for you to share them in the comments section below!
If you have a craving for some delicious Anzac biscuits, check out Anzac Biscuit’s on Black Box Review’s here. Or if you’re planning on making your own, Harraway’s have provided their version of an Anzac Biscuits recipe.
With Anzac Day services and the Poppy Day Appeal unfortunately cancelled this year, there’s another easy way to support the cause –donate here.