The Bored Jar: Screen-Free Activities To Keep Your Kids Busy

Need some ideas to keep the kids busy during school holidays? Don’t worry, we have you covered!

School holidays is finally upon us and with it comes the incessant “Muuuuuuuuuuuuum I’m booooored” cries – you know the one.  However, not for long! We’ve searched far and wide to find the ultimate boredom buster that’s sure to be a hit with your tweens!

Introducing the “I’m Bored” Jar; a fun and creative system to help encourage imagination, cleaning skills and healthy habits in your kids all while keeping them away from their phone screens.

So how does it work?

The basic idea of a Bored Jar is to take a jar, box or bucket of some kind and fill it with lots of fun and simple activities that your kids can do when boredom strikes!

Katie Wells, Mum of six and blogger, said that her kids ended up loving the activity so much, they now call it “the fun jar” and even ask on occasion if they can pick out something to do themselves.

How do I make it?

The best thing about the Bored Jar is how simple and easy it is to make! All you need is a container of some sort – a box, bucket or if you want to keep it authentic an empty jar!

Next, you need a piece of paper and a pen to write your activities down and a pair of scissors to later cut it out!

I’m Bored Jar Activity Ideas

You and your kids can sit down and brainstorm ideas to include in the jar, making sure to get an even amount between: normal chores, fun activities or even simple exercises.

Alternatively, we’ve created a Bored Jar template below complete with fun colours, pre-written activities and in ready-to-cut-rectangle-shapes! As a bonus, we’ve also included a blank template you can use!

What do you think of the Bored Jar? Will you be trying it with your kids? Let us know in the comments!

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  1. how do I make this

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